Friday, October 25, 2013

Failure to Thrive-Causes

Failure to Thrive

Failure to Thrive
Failure to thrive refers primarily to a delay in physical growth (size) development (maturation) may also be delayed as a result of either poor physical growth or the problems caused by poor growth.


Failure to thrive usually applies to young children, especially those under 2 years of age. A child who fails to thrive isn’t receiving sufficient nutrition for normal growth and development. The child may have an underlying physical disorder that affects his ability to take in, absorb, process, or retain food. Alternatively, psycho-logic, social, or economic factors may ply a role. The child’s appetite may be poor, or he may not be getting enough food. Poor appetite can be caused by depression. Depression may result if a child isn’t receiving enough social stimulation, as may happen to an infant isolated in an incubator or to a child who receives insufficient attention from parents or other caregivers.

Developmental Problems in Young Children

Developmental Problems in Young Children

Developmental Problems in Young ChildrenDevelopmental problems in young children include, among others, failure to thrive, behavioral problems, eating problems, sleep problems, toilet training problems, phobias, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, and learning disabilities.