Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Five things is prohibited after meal- meal health tips

5 things is prohibited after meal Rice is the main food of at least three million people in the world.Doctors are discouraged to do five things after meal to protect health. These are: 1. One Hour Before meal or after 1/2 hour you can take fruit because if you take fruits consecutively may it's can make gastric problems. 2. Smoking is very harmful for health, it's more dangerous...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Management of coronary heart disease in Bangladesh- last part

operation theatre or a catheterization lab to perform these lifesaving procedures, because they are costly. The only exception is Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical College and Hospital in sirajganj, where expert interventional cardiologist and cardiac surgeons are doing bypass surgery and angioplasty fairly satisfactorily. In the early nineties in Bangladesh, the middleclass patients had on option but...

Management of coronary heart disease in Bangladesh- part 2

the government official, who could not hope to get there necessary treatment available even in Dhaka. The picture is that a group of people cannot depend on the heart treatment quality of the country, and they can afford to go elsewhere, and for another getting treatment available in Dhaka is all. And the third one has nothing but to frustrate over their fate. Treatment in a foreign hospital at...

Management of coronary heart disease in Bangladesh- Part 1

Management of coronary heart disease in Bangladesh  When the president prof. Yajuddin Ahmed was flown to Singapore in a ‘stable’ haemodynamic condition for treatment at the advice of a seven-member board comprised of the leading cardiologist of the country including National Professor Brigadier (retd) Dr. M A Malik known as the pioneer of heart treatment in Bangladesh, Prof...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Developmental problems in young children-problems in young children

Developmentalproblems in young children include, among others, failure to thrive, behavioral problems, eating problems, sleep problems, toilet training problems, phobias, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, and learning disabilities. Failure to Thrive Failure to thrive refers primarily to a delay in physical growth (size) development (maturation) may also be delayed as a result of either...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Separation Anxiety in Babies-children anxiety

Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety is anxiety felt by a child when a parent leaves him alone. Crying when the mother leaves the room or when a stranger approaches is a normal stage of development beginning around age 8 months and lasting until 18 to 24 months. The intensity of this behavior varies with each child. However, some parent, especially fist-time parents, thing separation anxiety...

Child-Parent Interactional problems- child health

Child-Parent Interactional problems  Child parent international problems are difficulties in the relationship between a child and his parents. International problems may be during the first few months of life. The relationship between mother and baby may be strained as a consequence of a difficult pregnancy or delivery or lack of support from the father, relative, or friend may also stain...

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Behavioral Problems-Behavioral Problems in children

Prognosis and Treatment Any disease that seems to be underlying a child’s failure to thrive is treated. How well the child responds to treatment depends on the specific problem causing the growth failure. If the child isn’t taking in enough food, doctor addresses possible psychologic, social, or economic factor, in addition to any physical factors. Occasionally especially in cases in which on...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Failure to Thrive-Causes

Failure to Thrive Failure to thrive refers primarily to a delay in physical growth (size) development (maturation) may also be delayed as a result of either poor physical growth or the problems caused by poor growth. Causes Failure to thrive usually applies to young children, especially those under 2 years of age. A child who fails to thrive isn’t receiving sufficient nutrition for normal...

Developmental Problems in Young Children

Developmental Problems in Young Children Developmental problems in young children include, among others, failure to thrive, behavioral problems, eating problems, sleep problems, toilet training problems, phobias, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, and learning disabilities...